Kuvana~Coban Kopegi

Foundation of Kuvana Czech Republic Imp


New Zealand Champion Kazana Basarili Akiva

From worldwide known renowned breeders Kangal Kennels~Onur Kanli, Turkey & Du Bonnie Blue Flag~Anne Hupel, France. A special Thanks to KangalDogs Kazana, The Czech Republic.


is the heart & soul of Kuvana.

Kuva's temperament is calm and  easy going, balanced soft and friendly to people and children and all animals, my horses, sheep, goats, and pet parrots, also other fur friends (dogs)outside of the home, she takes after her mother's gentle nature, Luna.

I personally selected Kuva out of a litter of 10, 5 males and 5 females when she was a small sweet little puppy, and I got to watch her grow and develop and send her off to European shows before I imported her here from The Czech Republic, it was with the support of Kangaldogs Kazana who spent the time and effort for "project Kuva" & Fleischer's Rottweilers, the late Rob Ayley, who helped me with support for her translocation. Kuva and I bonded straight away and I was so excited to finally have her arrive home in New Zealand.

Kuva obtained numerous wins in Europe and unfortunately, the last show that she was at, her sister won! so Kuva just missed out on coming to New Zealand as a Slovakian Junior Champion, but with no time left to get her into another show as flights were already booked. She still came with many wins to be extremly proud of.

Now shown here to New Zealand Champion. She is also the proud mum of several diverse puppy litters in New Zealand and the pride and joy of Kuvana today.

 Kuva's Dam CZ GRAND CHAMPION SLV CH PL CH SLK CH DUZEN ~LUNA KANGAL DU BONNIE BLUE FLAG Luna comes from Du Bonnie Blue flag in France (Former Anatolian Pastevee dogs).

Kuva's sire TOLGA of Kangal Dogs, Turkey. Son of Zalim and Cello, and grand son to Turkish Champion Volga.



*VP 1st x 2 Best CACIB show, Budapest.

*VP 1st x 2 Best FCI World Dog Show, Budapest, Hungary.

*VP 2nd Best Prague EXPO Dog Show.

*Best of Royal Canin Dog Show, Slovakia

*Junior Winner of Slovakia (Moloss Club)

*VP 1st x 2 (CAJC) Royal Canin Dog show, Slovakia.

*VP 1st (CAC) Royal Canin Speciality Show

*VP 2nd Danube (CACIB) International Dog Show, Bratislava.


Kuva's Dam Luna is top Europian Kangal



            *WORLD WINNER  2010 &  *EUROPEAN WINNER 2010



           *RESERVE WORLD WINNER 2013         

*Club Junior WinnerMC CZ 2009 & 2010


                                                     * CZECH REPUBLIC CHAMPION  

                                       *CENTRAL EASTERN. EUROPEAN  WINNER  2010

                                                             * CHAMPION of SLOVAKIA      

                                                    * WINNER of  POLAND Champion   

                         *WORLD EXPO and the 2010 EUROPEAN SLOVAKIAN CHAMPION 

                                     *THE WINNER of "BOB" at 2009 WORLD EXPO & 2010 

                                                            *BOS at 2010 WORLD EXPO

                                                              * SLOVAKIAN CHAMPION

                                         * SLOVAKIAN CHAMPION of  YOUNG BEAUTY 

                                                     * 16 X WINNER of  BOB BREED 

                                                       *CZECH JUNIOR CHAMPION                     

                                                    *EUROPEAN CLUB WINNER 2010     

                                                      *13 x CACIB    3 X BEST YOUNG                             

                                                                    * 7 X CAJC

Kuva's Dam DUZEN -LUNA KANGAL DU BONNIE BLUE FLAG is daughter of  BURUK ISKENUER KANAGL LAIKA BRUCHHAUSER WALL From Sire ~Kahraman and Dam ~Laika who produced many wonderful dogs among them CEYLAN KANGAL LAIKA BRUCHHAUSER WALL, WORLD WINNER 2003 and Multiple title holder BUNDESSIEGER, EUROPEAN and BEST of BREED, BREED Winner, also female AYLA SARI KANGAL Von KITAP ORMAN, Junior Champion and Champion VDH, Europe, BOB.  Boz Yaman kangal is also the father of The World Junior Winner TARA-OPALE-KANGAL DU BONNIE BLUE FLAG. Tara is the mother of ENDEVER FRIDAN ELMAS KANGAL~Polish Champion and Dutch junior champion, who produced many excellent offspring in Poland, bred by M. Dar Kostanowicz. She is also aunt to DALMA KANGAL-Laika Bruchhauser wall, a beautiful dog from the USA-UKC Champion Kaan of Misty Acers, and his sister, Champion UKC and BOB at the special show Kangal Dog Club of America, YASEMIN OF MISTY ACERS.


- KANGAL who's sire is ASKAR and Dam is YAMAN

Grandmother on the mother's side MANETTE(S 'YAMAN-A TIT INITIAL) Comes from Turkey (Ulas) and has a great temperament (like Yamans puppy father).

Luna's temperament is calm, balanced, manageable soft and friendly to children and animals as is Kuva with my pet parrots, horses, goats and Suffolk sheep and all she meets.


KUVA'S sire TOLGA is a Turkish import to Czech Republic, he has revired lines bred at Kangal Kennels, Turkey. Tolga's sire is the stunning ZALIM, Zalim's sire is TALAS & Zalim's Dam is CILVELI

Tolga's dam is CELLO, her sire is ~TURKISH  CHAMPION VOLGA~

owned and bred by world renowned breeder Onur Kanli .

Kuva's great great grand sire, sire of Volga is TOMI 

Tolga's great grandam sires side is Volga's dam the beautiful ATESIN.

       Tolga's grand dam dam's side, CELLO'S dam is the beautiful SIRIN, Sirin is littermate to the legendary SERKAN he is a famous wolfhound said to have killed as many as 46 wolves. Sirin and Serkan are from old Panter and Duman lines from Baris Cicek.

Tolga has an excellant temperament for livestock guard and sound stucture and bone and handsome head. I look forward to having progeny from these very beautiful dogs.


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